
Summer Flounder Fishing From Point Pleasant

Fluke (AKA summer flounder) are, without question, the most popular species to catch from late spring (around Memorial Day) through mid-September in New Jersey. Fluke are prized for their delicious, delicate flavor, which appeals to many seafood lovers. They are also fun to catch and a terrific way to introduce kids and other new anglers to the sport of fishing.


Fluke fishing doesn't require a whole lot of fancy tackle. A traditional fluke rig, consisting of a long leadered hook attached to a three-way swivel and a lead sinker will do the job. Over the past decade, “bucktailing” has become a very popular way of catching fluke. It's an extremely fun and effective method. The angler jigs (or bounces) a “bucktail jig” just off the sea floor to entice a hungry flounder into eating it.   Bucktail jigs come in a variety of sizes and colors, and one color may work better than another on any given day.

A wide variety of natural baits will catch these delicious flatfish. Squid, spearing, sandeels, mackerel or bunker strips will work at various times. Bucktails are often tipped with an artificial bait called Gulp! This bait comes in many colors and sizes. And just like bucktails, sometimes a particular color or shape of Gulp! may work better tha

n another. The captain and crew of the Golden Touch are experts, and can advise you of what type of rig, bucktail or bait is working best.

Fluke generally weigh an average of 2-4 lbs. Bigger fluke, up to 6 or 7 lbs. are frequently caught. Catch a fluke of 10 lbs. or more and you've got a true trophy, and what is known among anglers as a “doormat”!

More about fluke:
The current International Game Fish Association (IGFA)world record for summer flounder is 22.7 lbs! It was caught by Captain Charles Nappi in Montauk, NY back in 1975.

More recently, local angler Monica Oswald, from Neptune City, NJ, caught an enormous fluke, right here in NJ waters, back in 2007 that weighed in at an incredible 24.3 pounds! It beat the old record by almost two lbs. Unfortumately, it was disqualified from becoming an IGFA record because Monica admitted to resting her rod on the rail while fighting the huge fish.

Hey! You never know!


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Golden Touch - Point Pleasant Fishing Charters
Captain John Cole
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